Writing a Teleoperation Node for a Linux-Supported Joystick
Hi. I am starting learning ROS. I want to do the tutorial "Writing a Teleoperation Node for a Linux-Supported Joystick" in http://www.ros.org/wiki/joy/Tutorials/WritingTeleopNode but when i try to run the command "roslaunch learning_joy turtle_joy.launch" I get
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [learning_joy/turtle_teleop_joy]: can't locate node [turtle_teleop_joy] in package [learning_joy]
I appreciate your help a lot
I am getting the exact same error.
But, if you go to ~/catkin_ws/ and
you get the build files in ~/catkin_ws/build/learning_joy
Run the executable using:
Make sure you do
Also initialize the l_scale_ and a_scale_ variables to some integer (I made them 10).
I still get the same error when I try using the launch file. Please help if anyone got to know why this happens.