Pointcloud_to_Laserscan correctly installed?
Hey guys,
I'd like to use the pointcloud_to_laserscan package to downgrade the PCL-Data, that I get from a Kinect, and use the 2D-Scan for the navigation stack.
Right now, I'm not sure, if I installed pointcloud_to_laserscan correctly. I have downloaded the files(http://bilibot-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/.../Pointcloud_to_Laserscan) and have run rosmake(no errors).
The auto-fill-in function of rosrun works fine - I can find the package.
Eventhough the "nodes" I could launch are a little awkward - "CloudScan.cfg" and "libcloud_to_scan.so" do not seem correct.
cliffs: -tried install PCL_to_Laserscan -rosmake without error -package found by roscd, rosrun, etc -nodes seem wrong(*.cfg and *.so)
Edit: So, the nodes seem fine - how do I run them?! CloudScan.cfg just creates some reconfiguration files and with libcloud_to_scan I get some memory error - guess the translation is segmentation fault.