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rosjava_core build error ':apache_xmlrpc_common:compile'

asked 2012-08-31 06:47:04 -0500

Bernd Kampl gravatar image

Hi! I tried building rosjava_core as per [1], but it always gives me the same build error. I will present the steps I took to hopefully tell you enough to be able to help me.

  1. I start out with a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit on vmware.
  2. I install ROS electric (ros-electric-desktop-full) following the steps from [2].
  3. I install the Android SDK (but I don't think this is of relevance for rosjava_core to build correctly).
  4. I install gradle and mercurial via apt-get (sudo apt-get install mercurial gradle).
  5. I install the Sun JDK 6u35 64-bit (because I read somewhere else that OpenJDK could turn out to be a problem if libraries are missing) and set it as my Java SDK. I also tried this step with OpenJDK as my SDK.
  6. I follow the instructions on [3] to install the rest of the other software and initialize my workspace.
  7. This is the step where it fails. When I execute "./gradlew install" [4], I get the following error message:


user@ubuntu:~/my_workspace/rosjava_core$ ./gradlew install

Building > :apache_xmlrpc_common:compileJava > Resolving dependencies ':apache:apache_xmlrpc_common:compileJava

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


Total time: 6 mins 25.964 secs


I would be very grateful if somebody could point out what I need to do it right to build rosjava_core. Cheers, Bernd





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3 Answers

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answered 2012-09-12 02:13:53 -0500

damonkohler gravatar image

The better solution is to use the "mavenCentral()" (similar to "mavenLocal()") method. This change will be applied everywhere soon.

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answered 2012-09-02 00:30:37 -0500

Bernd Kampl gravatar image

Turns out I found a solution to this, although it might not be perfect. In the folder "rosjava_core" open up the file "build.gradle" and on line 39 replace

url ''


url ''

and then it will compile.

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answered 2012-09-12 03:41:03 -0500

LargeBearCat gravatar image

Nice... how did you come up with the maven public repository? worked for me.

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a little bit of google-ing and just guesswork basically.

Bernd Kampl gravatar image Bernd Kampl  ( 2012-09-17 21:15:15 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-08-31 06:47:04 -0500

Seen: 1,694 times

Last updated: Sep 12 '12