Unable to do teleop
Hi all,
I am unable to move husky (even the teleop operation). The pc connected in husky has fuerte installed in it. When I try to run husky from my pc, which has electric in it, it isn't working.
The teleop works perfectly from the Husky PC.
When I try to run teleop after making Husky as my master, from my pc and move the joystick, then I am able to see the values in my PC through the following topic :-
rostopic echo /husky/cmd_vel
But the husky is not moving.
I connected the joystick to the husky's pc and moved it, I was able to see those values from my PC.
I also tried to publish the cmd_vel manually using :-
rostopic pub /husky/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 10 '[0.0,0.0,0.0]' '[0.0,0.0,1.0]'
Then it is getting published, but still husky is not moving.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Does running teleop from the Husky PC work?
@Ryan Yes, it works from the Husky PC
When you publish them from the joystick on the PC, try SSHing into the Husky PC and echoing /husky/cmd_vel there - this may be an Electric/Fuerte compatibility issue.
I tried sshING, and it is working. Thank you for the idea. I think we should start a new thread for the compatibility issue. Regards.