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Moveit Perception pipeline from a real-world camera

asked 2023-06-09 12:22:39 -0500

Laknath gravatar image

I've been trying to generate Octomap surface from a real-world Intel Realsense camera following the tutorial for sim based setup - The simulated example works properly as described in the tutorial. To change the setup to real-world I've updated the point cloud topic in sensors_kinect_pointcloud.yaml to the camera's point topic. However, Rviz doesn't generate Octomap surfaces from camera point cloud stream. I've verified the point cloud stream is working properly by visualising in Rviz using Point cloud plugin. I'm using ROS Noetic in my setup. Thank you for any support with this question.

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Hi. I have same probelm.

I heard that maybe tf is problem

Did you solve this problem?

guswo1104 gravatar image guswo1104  ( 2023-08-08 05:27:03 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-08-08 12:02:27 -0500

Laknath gravatar image

Yes, two corrections were needed.

1) Setting up a correct TF from robot to the camera mount using static_transform_publisher - 2) Setting pointcloud.ordered_pc = True in Realsense ROS interface -

Hope this helps.

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Asked: 2023-06-09 12:22:39 -0500

Seen: 235 times

Last updated: Aug 08 '23