joystick connection failed

asked 2023-05-02 23:30:23 -0600

carz gravatar image

Hi guys, I tried to use Xbox360 joystick to control LIMO but when I rosrun my node, it shows these messages on terminal.

[ERROR] [1683084922.843615612]: Connection to joystick device lost unexpectedly. Will reopen.
[ERROR] [1683084922.843856549]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second.
[ WARN] [1683084923.895675924]: Couldn't set gain on joystick force feedback: Bad file descriptor
[ INFO] [1683084923.895944517]: Opened joystick: /dev/input/js0. deadzone_: 0.050000.

I use ''jstest /dev/input/js0'' to check my joystick and it works. When I use my computer the joystick works properly. Everything I know can't solve this problem. So I appreciate it if someone tells me other methods to solve this.

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I think this issue is answered here:

iggyrrieta gravatar image iggyrrieta  ( 2023-05-03 04:32:34 -0600 )edit

I mean that's for force feedback. Btw thanks for your reply! I think the power supply of the USB port of the Limo car is insufficient. I can't prove it right away but I will comment if I solve it!

carz gravatar image carz  ( 2023-05-04 20:19:01 -0600 )edit