How to include a .launch file on a remote machine from a .launch file?
I'm using openni_launch drivers for the Kinect on my robot. I am running roscore on a separate computer, my laptop. I have added a line reading <env name="ROS_MASTER_URI" value="MY_LAPTOP_NAME:PORT_NUM"/> to the openni.launch file on the robot computer so I can access the various image topics such as /camera/rgb/image_color from my laptop.
As it is, I can run the launch file on my laptop which creates the connection to the robot, and THEN I have to go over to the robot computer and launch openni.launch to start the Kinect drivers. This works fine, but it is inconvenient. I want to be able to start the Kinect drivers (execute the openni.launch file on the robot computer) from the launch file on my laptop.
I am wondering if there is a way to add an <include file=""/> tag to the launch file on my laptop that will run the openni.launch file on the robot.
Naturally, I looked at the <include> documentation at already, but there doesn't seem to be anything about including a file on another machine. That's why I thought I would check here.
Thanks very much for reading, and hope you can help!