Hector_Quadrotor Gazebo - Quadrotor x/y position does not update
With the latest update to the Gazebo package in the ros-fuerte-simulator-gazebo (=1.6.12-s1344941353~precise), the indoor_slam_gazebo.launch and outdoor_flight_gazebo.launch in hector_quadrotor_demo cannot be controlled on the x or y axis with the /cmd_vel topic. Previously, publishing linear x/y twist messages on this topic would correctly command the model to move. However, the z-axis linear twist still works as expected.
We are using the fuerte branch: http://tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/branches/fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04.
Most of the error messages are not very helpful. The indoor_slam_gazebo.launch does produce the message:
Warning [parser.cc:348] Gazebo SDF has no gazebo element
Warning [parser.cc:291] DEPRECATED GAZEBO MODEL FILE
On July 1st, 2012, this formate will no longer by supported
Convert your files using the gzsdf command line tool
You have been warned!
This question also references a possible issue with the URDF files, but gzsdf is not included in the gazebo tools (/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo_tools/).
The indoor_slam_gazebo.launch also starts in paused mode now, when it previously started in play mode.
Answer: Using the older version of gazebo (ros-fuerte-simulator-gazebo=1.6.10-s1342505104~precise) fixes this problem.
Edit: This issue is resovled as of revision 521 on the Fuerte branch.
I am using the current version 1.6.12-s1344271816~precise of ros-fuerte-simulator-gazebo and cannot reproduce your problem.Could you upgrade to this version and try again? Also make sure that the axes are configured correctly in the hector_quadrotor_teleop launch file for the case you use teleop.
Thanks. I've updated to current, but we are publishing to /cmd_vel from a custom controller node rather than using the hector_quadrotor_teleop package. I can even manually publish the Twist messages, but the odometry data from Gazebo remains 0 on the x and y axis; the z-axis does behave as expected.
regarding gzsdf, I ticketed myself (https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/5544) Can someone try 1.6.14 and see if problem still persists?
"rosrun gazebo gzsdf help" fails with Error [SystemPaths.cc:237] cannot load file [sdf/gazebo.sdf]in GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH in ros-fuerte-simulator-gazebo 1.6.14. Is there a mechanism to set this environment variable in ROS-based installations?
Same dynamics for me with 1.6.14 (from debs). It also appears that while the velocity_command_. does change, the force and torque does not get updated. This maybe related to inertia for the body being zero but I'll have to wait until the next coding window to explore this.
to run gzsdf in ros based environments, source [path to simulator_gazebo]/gazebo/setup.bash
@trinighost where are you finding that "the force and torque does not get updated"?
I added ROS_INFO_NAMED("quadrotor_simple_controller", "Force: [%g %g %g], Torque: [%g %g %g]", force.x, force.y, force.z, torque.x, torque.y, torque.z); to GazeboQuadrotorSimpleController::Update() which is in quadrotor_simple_controller.cpp