Use ROS2 packages like image_transport on Windows

asked 2023-01-31 08:48:43 -0500

leo_cv gravatar image

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to ROS in general. I have built a ROS2(foxy) package on Ubuntu 20.04 and I need to build it again on Windows now. In my package code, I am using the image_transport package.

When compiling on linux, I remember I could simply install image_transport using "sudo apt install ros-foxy-image-transport". However, I can't manage to find "ready to use" version of the package for Windows. I found out this post ( where it is said that the package can be built.

Does this mean that I need to build the package myself when working on Windows? The question behind that is also, will I need to build every ROS2 packages myself whenever I need to use them in a project on Windows? Or is it possible to build them in some folder (next to my ros2 install for example) and be able to use them with only one sourcing, like it is done on linux?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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