Best way to install another stack (phidgets)
I want to use a phidget interfacekit 8/8/8 with ROS on a Raspberry Pi. But it's not clear to me what best way to do this is, could someone clearify this or point me to a page with clear information? Given the limited space on the Pi I don't want to check out an entire svn if possible.
I want to install the phidget library. There are two libraries?
EDIT: I used the new overlay method but now I still got a problem. When running: rosrun phidgets_ros I got this error: rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: phidgetspp_c_api The problem is that I can't install the phidgetspp_c_api. When installing I got an error with the certificate:
Command failed: 'hg clone "" /home/lennart/fuerte_workspace/phidgetspp_c_api'
errcode: 255:
abort: certificate error: certificate is for *, *,, *, *, (use --insecure to connect insecurely)