I am trying to launch the multi_tb3_simulation_launch.py using ros2 launch nav2_bringup multi_tb3_simulation.py but it is unable to perform the task effectively.

asked 2022-12-30 01:03:32 -0500

tejas2112 gravatar image

multi_tb3_simulation.py code

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"""This is all-in-one launch script intended for use by nav2 developers."""

import os

from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory

from launch import LaunchDescription from launch.actions import (DeclareLaunchArgument, ExecuteProcess, GroupAction, IncludeLaunchDescription, LogInfo) from launch.conditions import IfCondition from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration, PythonExpression, TextSubstitution

def generate_launch_description(): # Get the launch directory bringup_dir = get_package_share_directory('nav2_bringup') launch_dir = os.path.join(bringup_dir, 'launch')

# Names and poses of the robots
robots = [
    {'name': 'robot1', 'x_pose': 0.0, 'y_pose': 0.5, 'z_pose': 0.01},
    {'name': 'robot2', 'x_pose': 0.0, 'y_pose': -0.5, 'z_pose': 0.01}]

#Simulation settings
world = LaunchConfiguration('world')
simulator = LaunchConfiguration('simulator')

#On this example all robots are launched with the same settings
map_yaml_file = LaunchConfiguration('map')

# Create the launch configuration variables
default_bt_xml_filename = LaunchConfiguration('default_bt_xml_filename')
autostart = LaunchConfiguration('autostart')
rviz_config_file = LaunchConfiguration('rviz_config')
use_robot_state_pub = LaunchConfiguration('use_robot_state_pub')
use_rviz = LaunchConfiguration('use_rviz')
log_settings = LaunchConfiguration('log_settings', default='true')

#slam = LaunchConfiguration('slam')
#namespace = LaunchConfiguration('namespace')
#use_namespace = LaunchConfiguration('use_namespace')
#use_sim_time = LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')
#params_file = LaunchConfiguration('params_file')
# Launch configuration variables specific to simulation
#rviz_config_file = LaunchConfiguration('rviz_config')
#simulator = LaunchConfiguration('simulator')
#use_rviz = LaunchConfiguration('use_rviz')
#headless = LaunchConfiguration('headless')

# Map fully qualified names to relative ones so the node's namespace can be prepended.
# In case of the transforms (tf), currently, there doesn't seem to be a better alternative
# https://github.com/ros/geometry2/issues/32
# https://github.com/ros/robot_state_publisher/pull/30
# TODO(orduno) Substitute with `PushNodeRemapping`
#              https://github.com/ros2/launch_ros/issues/56
remappings = [('/tf', 'tf'),
              ('/tf_static', 'tf_static')]

# Declare the launch arguments
declare_world_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    # TODO(orduno) Switch back once ROS argument passing has been fixed upstream
    #              https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations/issues/91
    # default_value=os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('turtlebot3_gazebo'),
    #                            'worlds/turtlebot3_worlds/waffle.model'),
    default_value=os.path.join(bringup_dir, 'worlds', 'world_only.model'),
    description='Full path to world model file to load')

declare_simulator_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    description='The simulator to use (gazebo or gzserver)')

declare_map_yaml_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    default_value=os.path.join(bringup_dir, 'maps', 'turtlebot3_world.yaml'),
    description='Full path to map file to load')

declare_robot1_params_file_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    default_value=os.path.join(bringup_dir, 'params', 'nav2_multirobot_params_1.yaml'),
    description='Full path to the ROS2 parameters file to use for robot1 launched nodes')

declare_robot2_params_file_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    default_value=os.path.join(bringup_dir, 'params', 'nav2_multirobot_params_2.yaml'),
    description='Full path to the ROS2 parameters file to use for robot2 launched nodes')

declare_bt_xml_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
        'behavior_trees', 'navigate_w_replanning_and_recovery.xml'),
    description='Full path to the behavior tree xml file to use')

declare_autostart_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    'autostart', default_value='true',
    description='Automatically startup the nav2 stack')

declare_use_robot_state_pub_cmd = DeclareLaunchArgument(
    default_value='True ...
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