Error running Plansys2 with Nav2 following the PlanSys2 tutorials - Ros2 Foxy

asked 2022-12-05 09:18:08 -0500

Olaya gravatar image

I have followed the tutorials on the PlanSys2 page and in the tutorial "Using a planning controller" the section "Running the example with Nav2" gives me an error, like there is no communication between them. The previous PlanSys2 examples do work and so do the Nav2 ones. In a terminal I run:

ros2 launch plansys2_patrol_navigation_example

And Gazebo and RViz open correctly.

But in a second terminal I run:

ros2 run plansys2_patrol_navigation_example patrolling_controller_node

And it gives error:

[ERROR] [1670186120.256390127] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.259940434] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.276475755] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.278322528] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.282231866] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.287074382] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.293854093] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.295925357] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.297550502] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.299654425] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.302130921] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.303941910] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state. 
[ERROR] [1670186120.306005413] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.308124597] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state. 
[ERROR] [1670186120.316003537] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
[ERROR] [1670186120.362490988] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state. 
[ERROR] [1670186120.372487184] [problem_expert_client]: /problem_expert/add_problem_instance: Requesting service in non-active state.
Could not find plan to reach goal

I'm using a Nvidia Jetson Nano with Ubuntu 20.04 and Ros2 Foxy.

I have re-done the installation and everything seems to be fine and I have not found a solution on the internet.

I would really appreciate some help. :)

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