ROS Subscribe to multiple topics with single function
Thanks for feedback and help in advance,
I want to give input of topic names, initial data and data_type as dictionary to a function, and that function will subscribe to each topic and save data to dictionary. This is what I have done so far.
Example input
ros_topics = {"rosTopic1": {"data": None,
"type": "msg_type1"},
"rosTopic2": {"data": None,
"type": "msg_type2"},
"rosTopic3": {"data": None,
"type": "msg_type3"}}
I can subscribe to multiple topics and show their output message, however I couldn't save them into dictionary.
My function so far
def subscribe_topics(self):
for key in self.ros_topics.keys():
def common_callback(self, msg):
# Want to store to ros_topics[key]["data"], however I couldn't transfer **key**
- Python 3.8
- ROS Noetic
- Ubuntu 20.04
As someone fairly new to ROS, the
within double inverted commas sort of threw me off. So for anyone else stuck there, it is apparently not supposed to be a string containing the name of the type of message (for e.g. NOT... {"rosTopic1": {"data": None, "type": "nav_msgs/Odometry"} ...
).Rather, here is supposed to be the object itself, for eg
... {"rosTopic1": {"data": None, "type": Odometry} ...
This is with the assumption that you have already added the required import line. For this case:
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
Yes, you are correct, I write them in that way to just show any msg type