Migrating from ROS1 to ROS2

asked 2022-10-07 08:06:49 -0500

hazcoper gravatar image

Hello, I have a huge code base running in Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic. This year I'm considering starting the process to migrate from ROS1 to ROS2. I was targeting ROS Humble with Ubuntu 22.04. But after doing some research I am not sure what is the best way to approach this I know that I will need to run the bridge, and to run the bridge you need to have both ros1 and ros2 installed. But I cannot install Ros melodic + all my code base in Ubuntu 22.04. And after some failed attempts, I was not able to install ROS Humble in Ubuntu 18.04. I was wondering what was the best option in this case.

Not sure if its possible, but I thought on running Ros Melodic and Ros Dashing in Ubuntu 18.04, use it to run the bridge and then a docker container running Ubuntu 22.04 with Ros Humble and create the new packages there. Would the communication work with this approach?

thank you for the help

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