rosserial how to read subscribed array mavros_msg/RCOut.h
i was wondering if someone would be so kind to give me a clue of what the callback loop would look like for the bellow mavros_msgs? mainly how to read the info in the channels array
uint16_t RC;
void messageCb( const mavros_msgs::RCOut& msg){
RC =msg.channels_length;
this callback returns 16
uint16_t RC;
void messageCb( const mavros_msgs::RCOut& msg){
RC =msg.channels[16];
this callback returns 65535,
whats the correct way to extract any array from the callback routine? bellow is the mavros_msgs im trying to extract the channel array to use channel 1&3. i have searched for examples of how to sub to a array with rosserial but have not found anything education.
#define _ROS_mavros_msgs_RCOut_h
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ros/msg.h"
#include "std_msgs/Header.h"
namespace mavros_msgs
class RCOut : public ros::Msg
std_msgs::Header header;
uint8_t channels_length;
uint16_t st_channels;
uint16_t * channels;
channels_length(0), channels(NULL)
virtual int serialize(unsigned char *outbuffer) const
int offset = 0;
offset += this->header.serialize(outbuffer + offset);
*(outbuffer + offset++) = channels_length;
*(outbuffer + offset++) = 0;
*(outbuffer + offset++) = 0;
*(outbuffer + offset++) = 0;
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < channels_length; i++){
*(outbuffer + offset + 0) = (this->channels[i] >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF;
*(outbuffer + offset + 1) = (this->channels[i] >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF;
offset += sizeof(this->channels[i]);
return offset;
virtual int deserialize(unsigned char *inbuffer)
int offset = 0;
offset += this->header.deserialize(inbuffer + offset);
uint8_t channels_lengthT = *(inbuffer + offset++);
if(channels_lengthT > channels_length)
this->channels = (uint16_t*)realloc(this->channels, channels_lengthT * sizeof(uint16_t));
offset += 3;
channels_length = channels_lengthT;
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < channels_length; i++){
this->st_channels = ((uint16_t) (*(inbuffer + offset)));
this->st_channels |= ((uint16_t) (*(inbuffer + offset + 1))) << (8 * 1);
offset += sizeof(this->st_channels);
memcpy( &(this->channels[i]), &(this->st_channels), sizeof(uint16_t));
return offset;
const char * getType(){ return "mavros_msgs/RCOut"; };
const char * getMD5(){ return "52cacf104bab5ae3b103cfe176590713"; };
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ok to clarify i have searched but have found no example for within rosserial,
my expectation is to receive a array[16] i think?
this returns 16 channels
this callback returns 65535,
i am confused to what uint16_t * channels; means
am i missing a for loop or some means of structuring the data in the callback?
best regards