Invalid Quaternion [closed]

asked 2022-09-18 09:29:12 -0500

ROS_Practicer gravatar image

updated 2022-09-19 03:52:52 -0500

ravijoshi gravatar image

Quaternion is invalid... for navigation the z-axis of the quaternion must be close to vertical.

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Closed for the following reason Question does not follow our guidelines for questions. Please see: for more details. by stevemacenski
close date 2022-09-19 14:24:14.466421


So what? What is the question? What code did you run? What command did you use? Please mention complete information so we can understand the problem and answer the question.

ravijoshi gravatar image ravijoshi  ( 2022-09-19 03:55:10 -0500 )edit