Empty input messages, for details check the topics : /grid_map_wayarea and /detection/lidar_detector/objects

asked 2022-09-12 13:22:31 -0500

Junaid22 gravatar image

I am using Carla + Autoware to simulate the obstacle avoidance of the ego vehicle. I have launched nodes:

  1. Wayarea2grid
  2. Roi_filter
  3. lidar_euclidean_cluster_detect and other op_global_planner and op_local_planner_nodes

I am having issues becasue my vehicle is not moving when I set a 2D Nav goal. I get this log

[ INFO] [1663006130.624488836, 4187.364192451]: [roi_object_filter] Empty input messages, for details check the topics : /grid_map_wayarea and /detection/lidar_detector/objects

When I check the two topics, they are not empty. I am not sure if this is the only problem that I have. I tried to use lidar_kf_contour_tracknode but didn't succed at that also becasue of issues mentioned here: https://answers.ros.org/question/4061...

I followed the steps mentioned in https://answers.ros.org/question/3482..., but I am still having issues.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

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