catkin_make not present after installing from source

asked 2022-07-01 14:05:56 -0500

Pieter90 gravatar image

Installed ROS noetic on Debian 10, from source as the board is armhf and has no binaries. However, when trying to install "rplidar" the command catkin_make returns

-bash: catkin_make: command not found

Upon delving deeper and checking that catkin is installed it seems the ros distro has some issues. The command rosversion -d returns <unknown> so any attempt of installing ros-noetic-catkin through sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-catkin python-catkin-tools only returns the inability to locate that package: E: Unable to locate package ros-noetic-catkin.

I have no idea what went wrong as it indicated that the install was completed without any errors.

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