rosserial_arduino with cmake device-specs not found
I am making an Arduino sketch using rosserial_arduino that is dependent on custom message and service definitions. Because of that I am trying to build against my other packages within catkin. The problem I am having is that when I run catkin_make, the build fails with the following error:
avr-g++: error: device-specs/specs-esp8266: No such file or directory
I have downloaded the board definition files for the esp8266 and it shows up in the list of available boards generated by the cmake command print_board_list(). Is there a known way to fix this issue?
If I cannot get the catkin build to work, is it a viable alternative to build my ROS packages separately, then track down the generated message headers and copy them to my arduino workbook, then build the sketch with arduino IDE? Would that allow communication of the message types between arduino and ROS even as the packages containing message definitions are rebuilt, so long as the message definitions are not changed?
Thanks in advance!
system info: - OS: Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL - ROS: Noetic - Packages: rosserial_arduino 0.9.2, avr-gcc 5.4.0 - Microcontroller: Node MCU 1.0
Update June 3: After some more research and trial-and-error, it looks like the problem is the rosserial-arduino cmake toolchain doesn't support the esp8266 uC. The problem I have now is that I can't figure out how to add support for the esp8266 to the cmake/catkin build process. Can anyone point me in the right direction?