Advice on mapping with custom information
When I first started using ROS, I didn't implement it to it's fullest extent and ended up writing code that was already written for me (much better none the less) and now I would like some direction on what I should do so that I don't go down this path again.
I'm working on mapping and navigation and would like to expand the amount of information that is kept in the map message. My current understanding is that, using slam_mapping, a laser scan is converted to a map topic which gets published. This map topic contains MapMetaData and an OccupancyGrid which says what the chances of collision with the robot is in a given spot on the map.
I would like to add more information to the map, for example (not what I'm actually doing, but same deal) storing temperature data as I build the map. I want to use what's already given to me to the fullest and utilize it properly. What should I do?
Currently, this is my best idea: Create my own topic type similar to that of the OccupancyGrid and instead of probability data, it will contain data about the temperature. If this is the way to go, how do I go about creating my own topic type?
All help greatly appreciated!