ros2 bag record native (RTI) DDS topics
I have a device speaking native DDS (RTI 6.0.1) and another speaking ROS2 Galactic.
The device talking native DDS sends me the topic /joint_states
from type sensor_msgs::msg::JointState
Communication between those work and I can send messages between them. Now I want to record multiple topics with the ros2 bag record
command. But I got an error cause of message type error:
$ ros2 bag record /joint_states /some_topics /some_other_topics
[INFO] [1650450066.704245832] [rosbag2_storage]: Opened database 'rosbag2_2022_04_20-12_21_06/rosbag2_2022_04_20-12_21_06_0.db3' for READ_WRITE.
[INFO] [1650450066.704330117] [rosbag2_recorder]: Listening for topics...
[INFO] [1650450066.705113237] [rosbag2_cpp]: Writing remaining messages from cache to the bag. It may take a while
Message type is not of the form package/type and cannot be processed
I know that the ros2 topic echo has the opportunity to set the message type e.g.:
$ ros2 topic echo /joint_states
The message type 'sensor_msgs::msg::JointState' is invalid
but with message_definition it works
$ ros2 topic echo /joint_states sensor_msgs/msg/JointState
Is there something like this for the ros2 bag record
command? Or is there another way to record native DDS messages to a bag file?