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Turtlebot3 using slam in ROS2

asked 2022-04-19 21:06:16 -0500

eihara gravatar image

I am unable to run slam using turtlebot3 with reference to the manual. I am trying to run the slam in an actual room, not a simulation, based on the URL below. We would appreciate it if you could check if there are any problems with the method and let us know if there are any problems.

Environment ROS2 Foxy Turtlebot3 burger

Procedure (1) Connect to turtlebot3 via ssh from a remote PC and launch bringup of turtlebot3.⇒Succeeded (lidar starts spinning)
(2) Run in a new terminal on the remote PC⇒rviz2 starts up, but the location of turtlebot3 does not appear. Also, the map of the location where it is currently stopped is not displayed.

(3) Run teleoperation from a new terminal on the remote PC  ⇒Runs, but turtlebot3 does not work.However, if I run the teleoperation after connecting to the turtlebot3 via ssh, the turtlebot3 works. Map is unchanged on rviz2

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-04-22 07:43:56 -0500

Joe28965 gravatar image

Could you check that your PC and TB3 on the same domain ID?

Because if teleop works when using SSH, it seems like they're on a different domain ID

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Asked: 2022-04-19 21:06:16 -0500

Seen: 98 times

Last updated: Apr 22 '22