Is is possible to convert ROS 1 style .yaml/png maps into slam_tool box compatible map?
I have some older ROS 1 style maps saved as .png and .yaml data.
Is there a way to import these into a map compatible with slam_toolbox localization (e.g. to replace AMCL)?
There is a save map service that appears to save data in this format, but are there any tools for "loading" old maps?
Please refresh my memory, but how are maps in ROS 1 saved differently from ROS 2?
The maps are "saved" as pgm and yaml for viewing, AMCL, AND RViz use. My understanding is that the slam_toolbox can do pure localization, but starts with a map as a "Pose Graph" in their own format. I want to take an old map in pgm / yaml and convert it so that I could then import into slam_toolbox for pure localization as a replacement for AMCL.