rosmake doesn't include custom msg header files
Solved: see my answer below.
When I try to compile a package of mine on OSX electric, the c++ header files aren't found for custom messages. This did not happen before I tried to install fuerte. When I hit a roadblock, I realized it wasn't worth it and reverted to electric. I think I have everything back to normal, but this issue remains.
rospack depends-msgsrv [my_package]
yields all the right paths to the header files for core libraries, but not those which are defined in my own packages. I know my package path is fine, and running the same commands (both rospack and actual compilation) work fine on ubuntu 10.04 running electric. The result of the rospack command includes the paths to my packages with custom msgs. I'm not sure where to look next as far as debugging. Any suggestions?
Did you
make clean
in all your packages after switching versions?Yes, I did.