Pulling weighted carts with TEB Local Planner

asked 2021-12-23 06:53:52 -0600

FurkanEdizkan gravatar image

Happy new year, good people!

I'm working on a car like 4 wheeled robot on Gazebo simulation and I want my robot to pull a u-boat like cart.

Example image below.

image description

I have gazebo models and they are connected as URDF joint .

My question is how I can adjust the teb parameters and/or URDF files to achieve realistic pulling physics. Any advice?

Quick Note:I have read the documents of teb but I couldn't find any usefull explanation for this case.


Gazebo 9.0.0

teb_local_planner link text

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Hello did you find any way to simulate this trolley I am having some issues with it. Please share if you did

nilesh gravatar image nilesh  ( 2023-07-26 02:25:25 -0600 )edit

Unfortunately no, this was tasked 2 years ago and we decided not to pursue this.

FurkanEdizkan gravatar image FurkanEdizkan  ( 2023-07-26 03:14:48 -0600 )edit