I am using the Lidar from the XV-11 Neato vacuum cleaner. I have the point cloud data available and is visible in RVIZ. However, I am not able to get any map data. I get the following error message in RVIZ No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [/neato_laser] does not exist
This is a global Status warning and is shown next to Fixed frame tab.
Kindly suggest what I should do. Also, is it even possible to get that kind of data from the Lidar unit from the XV-11 Neato.
I am working on the Ubantu version of ROS.
Thans allenh1.... Can you elaborate where the changes can be made that are mentioned in the tutorial (for hector_slam)? Im really in a fix here.
Have a look at the tutorial:
Im getting this error when I run RVIZ. I also tried to put all the 3 options listed.
Message from [/neato_laser_publisher] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [neato_laser]. Resolved locally to [/neato_laser]. This is will likely not work in multi-robot systems. This message will only print once.
I suspect you set the fixed frame to neato_laser? Then the message is OK. For mapping you probably want /map as the fixed frame.
Thanks. But the hector_slam is not working. Where do i implement it? It keeps saying that no such package available.
Again, I am using the ELECTRIC version of ROS.
So are you running any SLAM node? If not that would explain why you don't have a map. For obtaining hector_slam, just click on any of the links here, you can also use gmapping.
After I changed the fixed frame to /map the following error appeared. For frame [neato_laser]: Fixed Frame [/map] does not exist I tried to install the hector_slam_launch package but I got the message that no such package exists. I tried rosmake, rosdep, and rosdep install commands. None worked.HELP
Did you install and rosmake the hector_slam stack?