Custom global planner
I would like to create my own global planner. So far I have created a simple path that should move robot for 0.5m to the left using "nav_msgs::Path mypath", and publish it to the "move_base/NavfnROS/plan" . The path is shown in the rviz, but robot doesn't start to move on it.
What am I missing? Or what would be the easiest way for me to "foward" my custom path to move_base (robot).
I only want to change global plan, I still want for local plan to work normally and avoid obstacles etc.
I think I need to implement BaseGlobalPlanner. Can you point me more on what to do? I'm still a beginner.
How did you get the path to appear? I am publishing a nav_msgs Path mypath (in Python) but it will not appear in Rviz.
@Darkmaster please see this.