Hi @skpro19
if you look at the source code of this function it's basically checking the bounds against origin_x_
, origin_y
and resolution_
that are values that are created with an instance of Costmap2D, they also get updated in the event map gets resized. Not a definition of a legal bound, but at least you can see how it's interpreted
00228 void Costmap2D::worldToMapEnforceBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const
00229 {
00230 // Here we avoid doing any math to wx,wy before comparing them to
00231 // the bounds, so their values can go out to the max and min values
00232 // of double floating point.
00233 if (wx < origin_x_)
00234 {
00235 mx = 0;
00236 }
00237 else if (wx >= resolution_ * size_x_ + origin_x_)
00238 {
00239 mx = size_x_ - 1;
00240 }
00241 else
00242 {
00243 mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);
00244 }
00246 if (wy < origin_y_)
00247 {
00248 my = 0;
00249 }
00250 else if (wy >= resolution_ * size_y_ + origin_y_)
00251 {
00252 my = size_y_ - 1;
00253 }
00254 else
00255 {
00256 my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);
00257 }
00258 }