Trying to connect between 2 devices using ros [closed]
HI, I have 2 devices one is the publisher(Device B | is on ros1 and on the subscriber side which is the second device(Device A | I have both ros1 and ros2. I am able to ping A from B and B from A and also able to see the list of topics of Device B on Device A, but unable to echo or run roscore.
RLException: Unable to contact my own server at [].
This usually means that the network is not configured properly.
A common cause is that the machine cannot connect to itself. Please check
for errors by running:
For more tips, please see
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Below is the exports I tried On Device A terminal
export ROS_IP=
On Device B terminal
export ROS_IP=
And one more thing when I ping I can do it just with IP, but for ssh I have to use username@ Does this have to do something username?
After using ROS_MASTER_URI of Device B on Device A terminal and using ROS_HOSTNAME of Device A on Device A terminal I am getting warning messages as below
WARNING: ROS_MASTER_URI [] host is not set to this machine
I am seeing a list of topics but am unable to echo those topics
Thanks in advance for the help
I'm not sure (yet) how ROS 2 is involved here. The error message you show is a ROS 1 error, so I've posted a ROS 1 focused answer.
Just mentioned ROS2 for debugging purpose because I have to read those ROS1 messages on ROS2 pkg on Device A