rostopic echo: see only "parts" of a message
I have recorded a rosbag with a single topic (which is a ros image topic)
Unfortunately although rqt_bag
can republish the messages, I cannot visualize the images (rqt_bag crashes) because of the particular format of the images (8UC4)
I can use rviz to see the images being published, so I know they are ok to an extent.
However I would like to see the timestamps of the headers of those images.
If I republish the messages of the rosbag and in another terminal I do rostopic echo the_topic
I think I will get a lot of info about the image, so I don't think I will be able to see the timestamps
- Is there a way to see only some parts of the topics being published? (like only the headers?)
- What are other ways to inspect a rosbag (other than just writing a script myself to inspect it)
for the first question
rostopic echo the_topic/header
will doI've updated the title of your question as it seems after your edit that's the actual question you're asking.