Rtabmap Object Obstacle Problem [closed]
Hi, I want to setup my turtlebot for Full autonomous Navigation with rtabmap. The first problem I encounter is that 3D irregular shape objects, such as chairs. In this case, if I use scan topic the chair can only be identified with a certain height.
The second problem I encounter is that cliff, since the cliff is 3D it is impossible to identify.
Both of them can be resolved with scan_cloud enable. However, in this case, all the movable objects, such as chairs will be drawn as obstacles in the projection map.
Here the demo of the official video demonstrates that with scan and depth information they can map out the 2-D environment and 3-D objects at the same time.
I am wondering the following: 1. How can I avoid the 3-D object in the above video case since it is empty for the position? 2. How can I avoid the cliff with depth information?
Thanks in advance.