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ROS for Misty robot

asked 2021-07-18 19:24:50 -0500

Hello, I am using a Misty robot for my project. It is equipped with Snapdragon 820 processor running on Android, Snapdragon 420 that has Windows IOT Core and many sensors link text. I would like to use ROS Navigation stack to do mapping, localization and planning planning. I am somewhat new to ROS. So, I was wondering if I could get some guidance before I get too deep in one direction. Here are some of the possible ways out that I have gathered from various forums on the internet.

  1. Install ROS on Misty's Snapdragon 820 processor (It appears that I need to install rosjava specifically since that is for the Android devices). Then use the packages such as map_nav from here link text. I have not seen a documentation how I would get that to work or if this is an equivalent of the ROS Navigation stack.

  2. Install ROS on my PC (which I am familiar with), then install ROS Navigation stack and communicate with Misty using the REST API (that MIsty supports). By using the REST API, I know how to get the sensor data from Misty to my PC. Also, I can send the drive commands to Misty from my PC using the API. What I am not sure is the viability of this option.

I would prefer to use the second option since I am already familiar with ROS (and not with rosjava and Android). Can someone please suggest what would be the best way for me to use the ROS Navigation stack on this robot? Thanks!

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answered 2021-07-23 13:20:47 -0500

kscottz gravatar image

There is no "best" approach; there are only "better" approaches for your particular application and situation. I would start by asking the Misty team if they plan to support ROS in the future; last I spoke with them this wasn't the case. You wrote the following about the first approach, "I have not seen a documentation how I would get that to work or if this is an equivalent of the ROS Navigation stack." I think you probably answered your own question.

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Asked: 2021-07-18 19:24:50 -0500

Seen: 146 times

Last updated: Jul 23 '21