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Failed to transform the goal pose from map to map frame

asked 2021-06-16 22:04:17 -0500

hikashi gravatar image


I tried to run the RRT exploration with the turtlebot3 using the following setting: image description

But while running the RRT exploration algorithm. I encountered such issue: image description

The transformation stops at a certain time and keep popping out request time error. Any clue how to solve this issue? Thanks.

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I don't have a solution. Wanted to ask how were you able to catkin_make rrt_exploration package in ROS Melodic? I am getting cmake errors and have been trying to manually resolve but it seems a daunting task.

Hassan Iqbal gravatar image Hassan Iqbal  ( 2021-07-07 15:46:50 -0500 )edit

I reuse most of the code in the RRT_package, the most difficult would be setting up the turtlebot to run with RRT. catkin_make should not be an issue, I think the mapping of the topic is a tedious task. I do not have details of the catkin_error, so I cant really comment much about the problem you are facing.

Anyway, I attached the github link that I managed to solve the issue,

hikashi gravatar image hikashi  ( 2021-07-07 21:26:51 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2021-07-07 21:28:01 -0500

hikashi gravatar image

The problem turns out to be move_base parameter issue.

I have resolved the problem by changing the costmap and remap some of the topic required. Working solution can be found in

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hey, what issue was there with the move_base parameters. I am also trying to run rrt exploration with 2 real robots(not turtlebots) and facing the same issue

aryaman gravatar image aryaman  ( 2022-06-13 00:49:22 -0500 )edit

Hi Aryaman, it has been some time since I encountered this issue. If I recall correctly, I was changing the frequency to a lower number and using a local map instead of a merged map. Apparently, this is an issue with simulation using Gazebo rather than robot implementation.

As mentioned in my post, you are free to check the attached GitHub link as I have updated the working solution regarding this issue,

hikashi gravatar image hikashi  ( 2022-06-21 01:17:48 -0500 )edit

Thank you for your reply. I had one more doubt. When I am using multirobot_map_merge package with known_init_position parameter set as false (because I can't know initial position of real robots), the merged map is taking only one robot's map and not othes', Its producing the same map as one of the robots. Do you know what can be the problem?

Also, is there any way where I can get to know initial positions of real robots so that I can use multirobot_map_merge with known_init_position as true?

aryaman gravatar image aryaman  ( 2022-06-21 06:05:49 -0500 )edit

Can you please specify which frequency parameters did you change? when I am trying to change the frequency, it's not making any difference. Also, what do you mean by "using a local map instead of a merged map"?

aryaman gravatar image aryaman  ( 2022-06-25 07:56:10 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-06-16 22:04:17 -0500

Seen: 620 times

Last updated: Jul 07 '21