Moveit Cartesian path not executing when changing orientation

asked 2021-04-19 07:22:31 -0500

Azureta gravatar image

Hey there, I'm quite desperate since I've been trying for hours to solve this issue. I'm working on Ubuntu 16, ROS melodic. I have made my own robot model .srdf. Writing the basics in .xacro and following Setup Assistant to create package.

The package (launched with generated demo.launch) is functional. I'm using Move group python interface to execute movements and to simulate how the robot will work. Basically the robot is 3 DOF planar manipulator on linear joint base.

I'm trying to execute trajectory with Cartesian Path. When I change only position, the manipulator works fine, 100 % of trajectory gets executed, but when I want to change position and orientation (I checked in Rviz if my desired quaternions and position are possible), the trajectory does not get executed. Move it is not ending with error, it just writes a message that 0% of trajectory was executed.

I tried quaternion interpolation (slerp) with scipy library and added more waypoints, but it claims this

[ INFO] [1618832054.684392562]: Ready to take commands for planning group arm.
[ INFO] [1618832054.684708432]: Looking around: no
[ INFO] [1618832054.684857301]: Replanning: no
[ INFO] [1618832086.373039922]: Received request to compute Cartesian path
[ INFO] [1618832086.373232292]: Attempting to follow 9 waypoints for link 'point' using a step of 0.001000 m and jump threshold 0.000000 (in global reference frame)
[ INFO] [1618832086.383633447]: Computed Cartesian path with 2 points (followed 11.111111% of requested trajectory)
[ INFO] [1618832118.564160765]: Execution request received
[ INFO] [1618832118.566897901]: Fake execution of trajectory
[ INFO] [1618832118.866670431]: Completed trajectory execution with status SUCCEEDED ...
[ INFO] [1618832118.866962180]: Execution completed: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1618832183.045952992]: Stopping planning scene monitor

any ideas what I can try next? Inverse kinematics of my model is simple, so I would try to control it with trajectory in joint space, but I'm not sure how to get this service.

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I'm not sure, and it would depend on the version of MoveIt you're using, but a bug in the CartesianInterpolator was just reported (and a fix submitted). Perhaps ros-planning/moveit#2614 is related/interesting to check out.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-04-20 02:47:08 -0500 )edit