too fast tf broadcasting
I would like to check some condition in a specific coordinate frame. Therefore I am adding a frame to a tf tree in a for loop and rotate the frame each timestep slightly.
I got the following warning: Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame rotating_frame at time 1537.741000 according to authority unknown_publisher
So is this procedure bad practice, or how can I solve that?
I am using Ubuntu 20.04, ros1 melodic.
Edit: I set the the timestamp of a transform each time new before I publish: transform.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
. Maybe the for loop is faster and ros::Time::now() not so precise?
Publishing fast is not a problem.
Publishing TF frames with the same timestamp is not a good idea.
It's possible that's the reason you're getting that warning.