Compiling PCL (PCL 1.5) in ROS fuerte
I've cloned the PCL sources (for PCL 1.5) from in my ROS_WORKSPACE and renamed it as pcl.
I cannot compile pcl1.5 in my ROS_WORKSPACE. With "$ roscd pcl" my current directory changes to /opt/ros/fuerte/share/pcl which is not in my ROS_WORKSPACE.
I want to just make an executable file i.e. openni_viewer in my ROS_WORKSPACE/pcl/visualization/tools and execute that.
In the CMakeList.txt in the directory "pcl/visualization/tools" there is a instruction for that... PCL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(openni_viewer ${SUBSYS_NAME} openni_viewer.cpp) target_link_libraries(openni_viewer pcl_common pcl_io pcl_kdtree pcl_visualization)
But it is not compiled with $ rosmake pcl (I cannot get a binary executable file from pcl/viaualization/tools/openni_viewer.cpp)
Earler, I used to clone the stack "perception_pcl_addons" to my ROS_PACKAGE_PATH and just $ rosmake pcl_visualization (using previous versions of ROS) which then created a binary executable file openni_viewer.
Do you have any suggestions?
My confituration: ROS fuerte, Ubuntu 11.10
with best regards, oli
did you get it working? I'm still looking for a solution to compile a ros supported pcl version.