gps_goal package - The robot goes in the opposite direction of the target
I am using the below message to send the goal to the robot. The robot can travel to the correct latitude position but opposite longitude position. For example, the goal is at the top left of the robot. The robot will travel to the top right. If the goal is at the top right of the robot. Then the robot will travel to the top left. Any possible solutions? Thank you!
{ "op": "publish", "topic": "/gps_goal_fix", "msg": { "status": { "status": 2, "service": 0 }, "altitude": -0.03936214196751092, "longitude": 8.9002013431619637, "position_covariance": [741985448272.8313, -1628874706.209279, -437539014936.25494, -1628874706.2092788, 3575855.5841113734, 960525891.8060722, -437539014936.25494, 960525891.8060722, 258010975871.58453], "header": { "stamp": { "secs": 681, "nsecs": 683000000 }, "frame_id": "wheel_base_link", "seq": 6813 }, "latitude": 49.90000046264395, "position_covariance_type": 3 } }