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Custom gazebo world not loading in launchfile

asked 2021-02-05 00:43:55 -0600

GeorgNo gravatar image

Hello there,

I have quite a confusing problem. I created a custom Gazebo world that I am able to launch via:

$ gazebo /home/georg/catkin_ws/src/ml/worlds/

as well as with:

$ roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch world_name:="/home/georg/catkin_ws/src/ml/worlds/"

but with the following launchfile I can't manage

    <arg name="world_file" default="$(find ml)/worlds/"/>

    <arg name="paused" default="false"/>
    <arg name="use_sim_time" default="true"/>
    <arg name="gui" default="true"/>
    <arg name="headless" default="false"/>
    <arg name="debug" default="false"/>
    <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" default="--verbose"/>

    <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
        <arg name="world_name" value="$(arg world_file)"/>
        <arg name="paused" value="$(arg paused)"/>
        <arg name="use_sim_time" value="$(arg use_sim_time)"/>
        <arg name="gui" value="$(arg gui)"/>
        <arg name="headless" value="$(arg headless)"/>
        <arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)"/>
        <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" value="$(arg extra_gazebo_args"/>

And I can use roscd mlto navigate to /home/georg/catkin_ws/src/ml.

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What is the error that you are getting?

skpro19 gravatar image skpro19  ( 2021-02-05 00:51:44 -0600 )edit

None, it just spawns the empty world.

GeorgNo gravatar image GeorgNo  ( 2021-02-05 01:24:11 -0600 )edit

After adding: <arg name="verbose" value="true"/> inside the include tag I can see the following error:

[Wrn] [] File or path does not exist [""] [$(arg]
[Err] [] Could not open file[$(arg]
[Wrn] [] Falling back on worlds/

Replaced $(find ml)/worlds/ with the absolute path and still the same error.

However if I run roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch verbose:="true" world_name:="/home/georg/catkin_ws/src/ml/worlds/ the world spawns.

GeorgNo gravatar image GeorgNo  ( 2021-02-05 01:51:48 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2021-02-05 03:47:19 -0600

GeorgNo gravatar image

updated 2021-02-06 07:16:55 -0600

Had a typo at <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" value="$(arg extra_gazebo_args)"/> ...

Edit: Forgot the closing bracket, also needed to remove the line <arg name="extra_gazebo_args" value="$(arg extra_gazebo_args)"/> completely for it to work

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What was the typo?

skpro19 gravatar image skpro19  ( 2021-02-05 09:27:32 -0600 )edit

Also, can you please close this question as you have solved the issue at hand.

skpro19 gravatar image skpro19  ( 2021-02-05 09:30:10 -0600 )edit

Also, can you please close this question as you have solved the issue at hand.

no, please don't.

Questions with answers should have the answer marked as accepted by clicking the little checkmark icon to the left of the answer.

Closing questions is reserved for duplicates, off-topic questions etc. Answered questions should not be closed.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-02-06 07:52:40 -0600 )edit

@gvdhoom Oh okay.

skpro19 gravatar image skpro19  ( 2021-02-06 08:46:03 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2021-02-05 00:43:55 -0600

Seen: 2,026 times

Last updated: Feb 06 '21