To clone all ROS2 repositories

asked 2021-02-04 03:13:18 -0600

Is there a simple script that allows one to clone all ROS2 repositories listed here: Say, i want the eloquent branch for each repo.

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I'm not sure this is ROS-specific.

"All ROS 2 repositories" is ambiguous also.

If you're interested in cloning all repositories in a certain Github organisation, then solutions like this one could work (but there are many more).

If you're looking to clone the source repositories of specific ROS 2 releases, then you'd probably want to use something like:

vcs import /path/to/where/repos/should/be/cloned --input

this would clone the source repositories of the relevant packages/dependencies for Eloquent, patch release 2.

If you replace eloquent-release with eloquent, you'd get the state of the branches targetting Eloquent in those repositories, which is potentially different from the packages released into Eloquent.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-02-04 05:03:07 -0600 )edit

This question is not ROS related, it's more a git clone problem. afaik there is no 'standard' solution for this. you can use the github API to get all repositories of a user/organization, then you can just loop over that and git clone -b it.

crnewton gravatar image crnewton  ( 2021-02-04 05:05:47 -0600 )edit