can I place catkin_ws folder outside ~
Hi, I'm deploying the same ros code on several robots. Each computer (one per robot) has its own name (in the forme baseNameN where N is the number of the robot). So far, I have been creating my catkin workspaces in my home directory (~), as suggested in the tutorials.
The problem is that I have a few absolute paths in my code that I'm having trouble to get rid of. So the easiest solution would be to have /catkin_ws instead of ~/catkin_ws as base directory (of course with read write and execute permission). That way, the username non longer appears in the absolute paths.
Can I do it? Will it cause any problems to have my catkin_ws folder at the root instead of in home?
Thanks a lot in advance
Theoretically that should work but I haven't tried. You can get rid of this user thing in your code with USERNAME environment variable. The same thing ofcourse can workout in script as well for example python
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