Is there a subsecond latency video streaming feature on ros?
Hi ROS Users,
Is there a subsecond latency video streaming component for ROS1?
The configuration I'm using is Raspberry Pi 4b, Ubuntu-mate 20.04, Intel RealSense D435 Camera using the ROS Wrapper. I have QGroundControl, that can connect to an h264 h265 or an RTSP video stream. I stream with subsecond latency through an x term no problem, maybe half a second sometimes not even noticeable. rviz streams sub second latency of the ros topic camera raw image.
I know it's doable the question is how and if it's possible on h264, h265, or rtsp? And if so could you point me in the right direction because right now with the configuration I mentioned using a project called circus monkey which is a Rosnode that implements g-streamer in a couple other things, it takes around 33 seconds via rtsp to reach my screen.
All input and suggestions will be appreciated.