can't launch openni on Pandaboard
Hi ther,
I installed ROS electric (base + perception) from source on an armel platform and try to run a kinect and a webcam on it.
I used this command to install the perception based installation which went smooth and without failures.
rosinstall ~/ros ""
But when I try to run the included packages:
$roslaunch openni_camera camera_node.launch
$roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
or for the Webcam (usb_cam & uvc_camera packages from source):
$roslaunch uvc_camera camera_node.launch
$roslaunch usb_cam 'MY OWN LAUNCH FILE
I always get the Error: cannot launch node of type [the specific package]: cannot locate node of type [specific node] in package [package]
Is there something wrong with my ROS installation or did I install all four Packages wrong?
the output of the $echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
which is correct
Please provide more information. Which packages did you install, what are the names of the packages that cannot be found. Did you install them?