How to calibrate compass and accelerometer mpu9250?

asked 2020-08-16 18:06:48 -0600

Ahmed_Desoky gravatar image

updated 2020-08-16 18:09:46 -0600

How to calibrate compass and accelerometer?

I am using mpu9250 connected to raspberry pi4.

and i am using this package jeskesen /i2c_imu

In "imu.yaml" ... What are those values refer to?

compass_min: [-28.451460, -42.645390, -38.086895]
compass_max: [68.179794, 48.143326, 57.744003]

accel_min: [ -1.004789, -1.014467, -1.015889 ]
accel_max: [ 0.995606, 1.002416, 0.996524 ]
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