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Why catkin_make_isolated on Rasberry Pi?

asked 2020-07-24 06:30:09 -0600

pitosalas gravatar image

I am puzzled by the fact that various instructions for putting ROS on a Raspi use catkin_make_isolated and related scripts, and end up creating build_isolated and devel_isolated. Is that required? Why would I not want to do a regular catkin_make?

(and perhaps related, why did it call the directory the non-standard ros_catkin_ws?)

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answered 2020-07-24 08:11:42 -0600

gvdhoorn gravatar image

Why would I not want to do a regular catkin_make?

because most RPi installations are built-from-sources, which will include non-Catkin packages.

Plain catkin_make cannot build non-Catkin packages.

catkin_make_isolated can.

and perhaps related, why did it call the directory the non-standard ros_catkin_ws?

Because there is no requirement on what the name of the workspace is?

It's also not important: that workspace is really "only" a workspace used while building the initial, base ROS install from sources. Most instructions will end with a catkin_make_isolated command which installs the resulting binaries into /opt/ros/.. (or a similar read-only location).

After that, the temporary ros_catkin_ws can be deleted and a regular workspace can be created and used (which will contain just the packages the user is working on, rather than with).

Unless a user wishes to track upstream and benefit from re-using some of the binary objects in the build_isolated directory of course. Then it should not be deleted. But perhaps something like ccache would be better to use in that case.

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Important things I did not know! Especially that I can delete the make_isolated ws. It all makes sense.

pitosalas gravatar image pitosalas  ( 2020-07-25 12:02:42 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2020-07-24 06:30:09 -0600

Seen: 155 times

Last updated: Jul 24 '20