openni_tracker fails with fuerte and Xubuntu 12.04 LTS
Hi Guys,
I just dual booted Xubuntu 12.04 along side my existing Ubuntu 10.10 install, and proceeded to to a fresh install of fuerte (on 12.04) by following the instructions on the install tutorial.
I then installed openni_kinect (which installs openni_tracker).
I have a Kinect attached (which works fine on 10.10/electric) and fired up the openni_tracker with the command "rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker".
I get the following error:
"ERROR 1338827753.716401344: Find user generator failed: This operation is invalid!"
I am wondering if I didn't set up my environment properly, or if there is an xml file missing somewhere.
Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Might you take a look at this?