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Publish and subscribe Using Joint_state_publisher for real robot

asked 2020-06-19 03:58:27 -0500

DheaSafitri gravatar image

hello guys, I'd like to ask you some question about using joint_state_publisher for real robot. I'm using arm robot and I want to control it using joint_state_publisher. but I have a question :

  1. how to visualize and control real robot (especially manipulator) movement by RViz (not moveit)?
  2. I still confuse about JointState and can I using it to get Pose (with geometry_msgs)?

thank you!

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answered 2020-06-22 12:38:10 -0500

christianlandgraf gravatar image

Which robot/manipulator are you using? Provided that there is a driver available, you need a URDF of your robot to visualize it in RVIZ (

You can use the robot_state_publisher ( to track the joint positions of your robot.

For coordinate system transformation, you can use tf2 (, which is already available by using the previously mentioned packages. You can get the pose of a specific joint or tcp by looking up the Transformation in tf.

To control the robot through a GUI, you can use the joint_state_publisher_gui package (The joint_state_publisher with the argument use_gui worked for me as well, but it seems to be deprecated now).

Maybe this question is helpful for you.

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Asked: 2020-06-19 03:58:27 -0500

Seen: 297 times

Last updated: Jun 22 '20