makes move_group node crash
Hi, I have a moving platform with a UR10e arm on the top. When I use moveit_commander_cmdline .py and send the go command with the joints positions, everything works fine, but when I send a go command with position and orientation values, or commands "go forward...", this makes freeze and move_group crash with the following message.
[move_group-9] process has died [pid 29640, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/moveit_ros_move_group/move_group --debug __name:=move_group __log:=/home/roberto/.ros/log/82a2f54c-981e-11ea-87db-5076af889cad/move_group-9.log].
log file: /home/roberto/.ros/log/82a2f54c-981e-11ea-87db-5076af889cad/move_group-9*.log
any help?
Can you turn the logging level to DEBUG using rqt_logger_lever and paste the error? What commands are you sending exactly? Please format the code in your post to make it easier to read (using the binary button in the editing interface here).