Frontier_exploration unattended behavior

asked 2020-05-06 03:58:51 -0600

TomSon gravatar image

Hi, I try to launch the frontier_exploration on the husky demo with a custom husky (with robosense --> laserscan)

Seems to work except it did nothing after the procedure on rviz

I got this warning in the cmd line

process[plugin_client-1]: started with pid [16171]
process[exploration_server_node-2]: started with pid [16172]
[ INFO] [1588755070.371627066]: Please use the 'Point' tool in Rviz to select an exporation boundary.
[ WARN] [1588755070.471789895]: Change marker topic to exploration_polygon_marker before continuing.
[ INFO] [1588755070.755167444, 1628.020000000]: explore_costmap: Using plugin "static"
[ INFO] [1588755070.761203529, 1628.020000000]: Requesting the map...
[ INFO] [1588755070.962744181, 1628.230000000]: Resizing costmap to 212 X 220 at 0.080000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1588755071.063321714, 1628.330000000]: Received a 212 X 220 map at 0.080000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1588755071.063357110, 1628.330000000]: Subscribing to updates
[ INFO] [1588755071.066376462, 1628.330000000]: explore_costmap: Using plugin "polygon_layer"
[ INFO] [1588755071.073528797, 1628.340000000]: explore_costmap: Using plugin "sensor"
[ INFO] [1588755071.075749297, 1628.340000000]:     Subscribed to Topics: laser
[ INFO] [1588755071.084566132, 1628.350000000]: explore_costmap: Using plugin "inflation"
[ WARN] [1588755192.933254460, 1750.160000000]: Please select an initial point for exploration inside the polygon
[ INFO] [1588755194.205023390, 1751.430000000]: Sending goal
[ INFO] [1588755194.215944824, 1751.440000000]: Updating polygon
[ INFO] [1588755194.215986528, 1751.440000000]: Requesting a goal
[ INFO] [1588755194.216608308, 1751.440000000]: Robot is now at 0.037166, 0.000105
[ INFO] [1588755194.216632487, 1751.440000000]: Robot moving to: 1.000000, 1.000000
Warning: class_loader.ClassLoader: SEVERE WARNING!!! Attempting to unload library while objects created by this loader exist in the heap! You should delete your objects before attempting to unload the library or destroying the ClassLoader. The library will NOT be unloaded.
         at line 117 in /home/tsimon/ros_catkin_ws/src/class_loader/src/class_loader.cpp

Is it related ? I'm on Ubuntu 19.10 Melodic, all from source.

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