ROS1 /tf incompatible with ROS2 through ROS1 bridge
I am having trouble getting the /tf topic into ROS2 through the ROS bridge. I am using ROS melodic and ROS2 eloquent on Ubuntu 18.04. When I run my node which tries to perform a lookup for a specific transform on my robot it fails and the ROS bridge outputs the following error [dynamic_bridge-1] failed to create 1to2 bridge for topic '/tf' with ROS 1 type 'tf/tfMessage' and ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage': No template specialization for the pair
[dynamic_bridge-1] check the list of supported pairs with the --print-pairs option
. It looks like this stems from the fact that /tf is using tf1 message types. Note that /tf_static does not have these same issues and does use tf2 message types. It looks like others have encountered similar problems such as what is described here but nothing has been done to remedy the problem (or at least I can't find any information on a reasonable fix). Is there something I am missing or will I need to write some contorted translation node? Any guidance is appreciated.
Please edit your question with a full description of your setup and your problem, if the hyperlink breaks this question and the matching answer will not be useful to other users. Also often "the same problem" is not the same based on difference of setup, version etc
@marguedas Sorry about that, I wrote it when I was tired and I thought I said more than I actually did. I made some updates so hopefully that helps.