Getting 'No points to read' error when launching my_map.launch [closed]

asked 2020-04-04 15:55:55 -0600

omkard gravatar image

updated 2020-04-09 11:40:44 -0600

Hello all,

I am doing a lgsvl simulator demo from here and getting this error when launching the my_map.launch file as shown below. C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2020-04-04 16-53-10.png

Here is the error: ['roslaunch', '/home/autoware/shared_dir/autoware-data/BorregasAve/my_launch/my_map.launch'] pid=1399 sched policy=OTHER prio=0 [pcl::PCDReader::readHeader] No points to read load failed /home/autoware/shared_dir/autoware-data/BorregasAve/data/map/pointcloud_map/BorregasAve.pcd load /home/autoware/shared_dir/autoware-data/BorregasAve/data/map/pointcloud_map/BorregasAve.pcd I am running Autoware on docker 19.03 and nvidia-doker 2.2.2. And I am using './ -t 1.12.0' to start the autoware docker.

Please help me if I am making a mistake anywhere.


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You have to use git lfs: git lfs install before clone/pull the autoware-data repo. Did you?

pedroexe gravatar image pedroexe  ( 2020-04-06 06:53:41 -0600 )edit

Hi @pedroexe

I deleted my autoware-data folder and installed git-lfs by running sudo apt-get install git-lfs. I recloned the autoware-data on shared_dir folder and tried loading map lauch file again on Autoware. But it did not change anything. I am getting the same error.

 load failed /home/autoware/shared_dir/autowaredata/BorregasAve/data/map/pointcloud_map/BorregasAve.pcd

Somehow Autoware is not able to load the data from the above path. Please help.

Thank you!

omkard gravatar image omkard  ( 2020-04-07 09:41:30 -0600 )edit

Can you check the sizes of the files? They should be some MB (BorregasAve.pcd is 13MB in my computer).

pedroexe gravatar image pedroexe  ( 2020-04-07 09:49:07 -0600 )edit

@pedroexe I looked at the file size and it is only 132 bytes. This might be the problem. I will try to download manually.

omkard gravatar image omkard  ( 2020-04-07 09:58:41 -0600 )edit

Ok. That is probably the problem then. You have not only to install git-lfs (sudo apt), as you did, but also initialize it before cloning with git lfs install command. Sorry if my instructions were unclear. I just remind it from the top of my head. You can search on how to use git-lts in more detail, because that appears to be the problem.

pedroexe gravatar image pedroexe  ( 2020-04-07 10:04:09 -0600 )edit

I tired downloading the zip file from here and still getting the BorregasAve.pcd file size as 132 bytes. Any work arround? @pedroexe

omkard gravatar image omkard  ( 2020-04-07 10:04:12 -0600 )edit

Got you. Will try that and let you know.

omkard gravatar image omkard  ( 2020-04-07 10:07:01 -0600 )edit

I tried it and this time the downloaded file was 3.1 MB and not 13MB. I tried launching the map this time and the error 'No points to read' was gone. But still I am getting an other error as shown below. Please advise.

 [ERROR] [1586273231.551054441]: [createSignalMarkerArray] failed createPoleMarker: 1,1,6.75,0.4
[ERROR] [1586273231.552320119]: [createSignalMarkerArray] failed createPoleMarker: 1,1,6.75,0.4
[ERROR] [1586273231.552363949]: [createSignalMarkerArray] failed createPoleMarker: 1,1,6.75,0.4
[ERROR] [1586273231.552388244]: [createSignalMarkerArray] failed createPoleMarker: 1,1,6.75,0.4
[ERROR] [1586273231.552411801]: [createSignalMarkerArray] failed createPoleMarker: 1,1,6.75,0.4
omkard gravatar image omkard  ( 2020-04-07 10:30:37 -0600 )edit